Soholaunch Company Blog

Best Practices for Website Security

Keeping your website secure doesn’t require that you have an advanced degree in network security. The developers at Soholaunch have expertise in the more technical aspects of web security, and they are always vigilant about keeping the site builder secure.

However, there are easy steps you can take that can be powerful safety measures against hackers and malware. A few of the most effective steps are listed below.

Make passwords difficult with special characters and non-dictionary words

A common mistake many people make is using a password that is found in the dictionary, without having any special characters or numbers along with it. Dictionary words are very vulnerable to brute force attacks, where automated programs go through the list of words in the dictionary to get past the login screen. Using passwords with special characters like @, %, #, and numbers will make it much stronger against brute force attacks. Capital letters in the password help as well.

It is also a good practice to change your password every few months (and not just one character at the end of the password).

Keep your Soholaunch version up to date

Along with new features and enhancements, Soholaunch software upgrades include security fixes and patches. It is highly recommended that you keep Soholaunch on newer versions and upgrade whenever your version becomes out of date. This way, the more technical aspects of security are taken care of for you because the Soholaunch developers address them in the updates.

Don’t share your password unless you know who the person is

When you receive unrequested emails out of the blue asking for passwords, you should be very cautious. These emails (or even user-submitted form information) may sound like it is very urgent. For example, they may say your site has a vulnerability and they need the password to correct it immediately.

These are known as phishing scams, and giving your password in response, either your control panel or Soholaunch credentials, will almost always lead to a compromised site. Hackers will use the password to login to the site and install malware, send spam, and cause a big headache like they do best. Unless you know for sure who you are talking with, you should not give out your login information.